MTR_GAP           505 src/simh/sim_tape.c             else if (*bc == MTR_GAP)                    /* otherwise if the value is a full gap */
MTR_GAP           513 src/simh/sim_tape.c                 *bc = MTR_GAP;                                  /* reset the marker */
MTR_GAP           526 src/simh/sim_tape.c         while (*bc == MTR_GAP && runaway_counter > 0);  /* continue until data or runaway occurs */
MTR_GAP           694 src/simh/sim_tape.c             else if (*bc == MTR_GAP)                    /* otherwise if the marker is a full gap */
MTR_GAP           702 src/simh/sim_tape.c                 *bc = MTR_GAP;                                  /* reset the marker */
MTR_GAP           714 src/simh/sim_tape.c         while (*bc == MTR_GAP && runaway_counter > 0);  /* continue until data or runaway occurs */
MTR_GAP          1232 src/simh/sim_tape.c     else if ((meta == MTR_GAP) || (meta == MTR_TMK)) {  /* gap or tape mark? */
MTR_GAP          1307 src/simh/sim_tape.c     st = sim_tape_wrdata (uptr, MTR_GAP);               /* write gap markers */