ctlr_type_e       585 src/dps8/dps8_cable.c                           enum ctlr_type_e ctlr_type, enum chan_type_e chan_type,
ctlr_type_e       944 src/dps8/dps8_cable.c                                     enum ctlr_type_e ctlr_type,
ctlr_type_e       981 src/dps8/dps8_cable.c                             enum ctlr_type_e ctlr_type,
ctlr_type_e       154 src/dps8/dps8_cable.h     enum ctlr_type_e ctlr_type; // TAPE, DISK, CON, ...
ctlr_type_e       211 src/dps8/dps8_cable.h     enum ctlr_type_e ctlr_type; // Used by disks to determine if the controller
ctlr_type_e      1870 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c 
ctlr_type_e       461 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c   enum ctlr_type_e ctlr_type = cables->dsk_to_ctlr[dsk_unit_idx].ctlr_type;