t                1233 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       decNumber *t=buft;                // ..
t                1234 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       decNumberFromInt32(t, ae);        // lay it out
t                1235 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       decNumberPlus(res, t, set);       // round as necessary
t                1279 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   Int t;                           // digits in exponent of A
t                1349 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     t=6;                                // it can never be >6
t                1352 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     p=(rhs->digits+t>set->digits?rhs->digits+t:set->digits)+3;
t                2674 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   decNumber *t=buft;               // up-to-3-digit constant or work
t                2767 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     t->bits=0; t->digits=3;
t                2771 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       t->exponent=-3;
t                2774 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         t->lsu[0]=259;
t                2777 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         t->lsu[0]=59; t->lsu[1]=2;
t                2780 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         t->lsu[0]=9; t->lsu[1]=5; t->lsu[2]=2;
t                2788 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       t->exponent=-4;
t                2791 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         t->lsu[0]=819;
t                2794 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         t->lsu[0]=19; t->lsu[1]=8;
t                2797 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         t->lsu[0]=9; t->lsu[1]=1; t->lsu[2]=8;
t                2803 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     decAddOp(a, a, t, &workset, 0, &ignore);      // ..+t
t                2809 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     decNumberZero(t);                        // set t = 0.5
t                2810 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     t->lsu[0]=5;                             // ..
t                2811 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     t->exponent=-1;                          // ..
t                2820 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       decMultiplyOp(a, b, t, &workset, &ignore);       // a=b*0.5
t                2855 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     t->exponent=-a->digits-1;                     // make 0.5 ulp
t                2856 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     decAddOp(b, a, t, &workset, DECNEG, &ignore); // b = a - 0.5 ulp
t                2862 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       t->exponent++;                              // make 1.0 ulp
t                2863 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       t->lsu[0]=1;                                // ..
t                2864 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       decAddOp(a, a, t, &workset, DECNEG, &ignore); // a = a - 1 ulp
t                2871 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       decAddOp(b, a, t, &workset, 0, &ignore);    // b = a + 0.5 ulp
t                2876 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         t->exponent++;                            // make 1.0 ulp
t                2877 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         t->lsu[0]=1;                              // ..
t                2878 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         decAddOp(a, a, t, &workset, 0, &ignore);  // a = a + 1 ulp
t                2910 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         decCompareOp(t, b, rhs, &workset, COMPARE, &mstatus); // b ? rhs
t                2911 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         if (!ISZERO(t)) status|=DEC_Inexact|DEC_Rounded; // not equal
t                3773 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         const decNumber *t;
t                3776 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         t=lhs; lhs=rhs; rhs=t;
t                5000 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   decNumber *t=buft;               // term
t                5155 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         t=allocbuft;                    // use the allocated space
t                5158 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       decNumberCopy(t, x);              // term=x
t                5177 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         decAddOp(a, a, t, &aset, 0, status);           // a=a+t
t                5178 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         decMultiplyOp(t, t, x, &tset, &ignore);        // t=t*x
t                5179 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         decDivideOp(t, t, d, &tset, DIVIDE, &ignore);  // t=t/d
t                5184 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         if (((a->digits+a->exponent)>=(t->digits+t->exponent+p+1))
t                5200 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       decNumberZero(t); *t->lsu=1; // acc=1
t                5204 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           if (*status&DEC_Overflow || ISZERO(t)) break;}
t                5208 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           decMultiplyOp(t, t, a, &aset, status); // acc=acc*x
t                5212 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         decMultiplyOp(t, t, t, &aset, status); // acc=acc*acc [square]
t                5215 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       a=t;                         // and carry on using t instead of a
t                5329 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   Int t;                           // work
t                5438 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     t=decGetInt(b);                     // [cannot fail]
t                5440 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (t<0) t=10;
t                5442 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (t<10) t=X10(t);                 // adjust single-digit b
t                5444 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     t=LNnn[t-10];                       // look up ln(b)
t                5446 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     decNumberFromInt32(b, t>>2);        // b=ln(b) coefficient
t                5447 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     b->exponent=-(t&3)-3;               // set exponent
t                 159 src/decNumber/decNumberLocal.h     uInt u0, u1, v0, v1, w0, w1, w2, t;      \
t                 163 src/decNumber/decNumberLocal.h     t=u1*v0 + (w0>>16);                      \
t                 164 src/decNumber/decNumberLocal.h     w1=t & 0xffff; w2=t>>16;                 \
t                1046 src/dps8/dps8_append.c static char *str_pct (processor_cycle_type t)
t                1048 src/dps8/dps8_append.c     switch (t)
t                 742 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c     long n, s, o, t;
t                 763 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c     t = strtol (end + 1, & end, 0);
t                 766 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c     if (t < 0 || t >= 1000000)
t                 771 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c     stall_points[n].time   = (unsigned int) t;
t                4361 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c         struct timespec t;
t                4362 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c         clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t);
t                4405 src/dps8/dps8_cpu.c                                   (long long)t.tv_sec, t.tv_nsec/1000, cnt,
t                1176 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   int128 t = SIGNEXT72_128(m2);
t                1177 src/dps8/dps8_math.c   uint128 ut = rshift_128 (cast_128 (t), 44);
t                 164 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     uint128 t = add_128 (complement_128 (cast_128 (a)), construct_128 (0, 1));
t                 165 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     return cast_s128 (t);
t                 199 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     uint128 t = lshift_128 (cast_128 (a), n);
t                 200 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     return cast_s128 (t);
t                 271 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     uint128 t = rshift_128 (cast_128 (a), n);
t                 272 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     return cast_s128 (t);
t                 284 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     uint64_t k, t;
t                 295 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             t = (uint64_t) u[i] * (uint64_t) v[j] + (uint64_t) w[i + j] + k;
t                 297 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             w[i + j] = (uint32_t) t;        // (i.e., t & 0xFFFF).
t                 298 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             k = t >> 32;
t                 318 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             int t = (int) w[j + m] - (int) v[j] - b;
t                 319 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             w[j + m] = (uint32_t) t;
t                 320 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             b = (t & 0x40000000) ? 1 : 0;
t                 328 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             int t = (int) w[i + n] - (int) u[i] - b;
t                 329 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             w[i + n] = (uint32_t) t;
t                 330 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             b = (t & 0x40000000) ? 1 : 0;
t                 390 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c     int s, i, j, t, k;
t                 444 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             t = (int32_t) un[i+j] - k - (int32_t) (p & 0xFFFF);
t                 445 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             un[i+j] = (uint16_t) t;
t                 446 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c             k = (int) (p >> 16) - (t >> 16);
t                 448 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c         t = un[j+n] - k;
t                 449 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c         un[j+n] = (uint16_t) t;
t                 452 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c         if (t < 0)
t                 458 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c                 t = un[i+j] + vn[i] + k;
t                 459 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c                 un[i+j] = (uint16_t) t;
t                 460 src/dps8/dps8_math128.c                 k = t >> 16;
t                1689 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c 
t                1690 src/dps8/dps8_utils.c 
t                 163 src/dps8/hdbg.c # define hev(t, tf, filter) \
t                 173 src/dps8/hdbg.c   hevents[p].type = t; \
t                 560 src/dps8/hdbg.c   struct hevt * t = hevents;
t                 573 src/dps8/hdbg.c     struct hevt * evtp = t + q;
t                  87 src/dps8/hdbg.h #  define HDBGIEFP(t, s, o, c) hdbgIEFP (t, s, o, c);
t                 209 src/dps8/libtelnet.c #define _sendu(t, d, s) _send((t), (const char*)(d), (s))
t                7502 src/simh/scp.c int32 t;
t                7596 src/simh/scp.c     if ((t = get_switches (gbuf)) != 0) {               /* try for switches */
t                7597 src/simh/scp.c         if (t < 0) {                                    /* err if bad switch */
t                7601 src/simh/scp.c         sim_switches = sim_switches | t;                /* or in new switches */
t                8493 src/simh/scp.c int32 i, t;
t                8499 src/simh/scp.c     t = sim_brk_lnt + SIM_BRK_INILNT;                   /* new size */
t                8500 src/simh/scp.c     newp = (BRKTAB **) calloc (t, sizeof (BRKTAB*));    /* new table */
t                8507 src/simh/scp.c     sim_brk_lnt = t;
t                3837 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c int32 i, t;
t                3841 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c for (i = t = 0; i < mp->lines; i++)
t                3844 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c         t = t + 1;
t                3846 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c     fprintf (st, "%d current connection%s", t, (t != 1) ? "s" : "");
t                3848 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c     fprintf (st, "%s", (t == 1) ? "connected" : "disconnected");