portp            1132 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c         struct ports * portp = & scu [scu_unit_idx].ports [port_num];
portp            1133 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c         if (portp->type != ADEV_IOM)
portp            1137 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c         iom_unit_reset_idx ((uint) portp->dev_idx);
portp            2227 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c     struct ports * portp = & scu [scu_unit_idx].ports [scu_port_num];
portp            2245 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c             portp->subport_enables [i] = !! (sub_mask & (0200u >> i));
portp            2256 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c             portp->xipmask [i] = !! (sub_mask & (0200u >> i));
portp            2257 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c             if (portp->xipmask [i])
portp            2268 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c         portp->xipmaskval = val;
portp            2272 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c     if (portp -> type == ADEV_IOM)
portp            2274 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c         int iom_unit_idx = portp->dev_idx;
portp            2316 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c     else if (portp -> type == ADEV_CPU)
portp            2321 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c         if (portp->is_exp)
portp            2325 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c                 if (portp->subport_enables[sn])
portp            2354 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c 
portp            2358 src/dps8/dps8_scu.c 
portp             551 src/dps8/udplib.c char *hostp, *portp;
portp             564 src/dps8/udplib.c portp = NULL;
portp             565 src/dps8/udplib.c if ((portp = strrchr (gbuf, ':')) &&                    /* x:y? split */
portp             566 src/dps8/udplib.c     (NULL == strchr (portp, ']'))) {
portp             567 src/dps8/udplib.c     *portp++ = 0;
portp             568 src/dps8/udplib.c     if (*portp == '\0')
portp             569 src/dps8/udplib.c         portp = (char *)default_port;
portp             572 src/dps8/udplib.c     portp = gbuf;                                       /* Input is the port specifier */
portp             575 src/dps8/udplib.c if (portp != NULL) {
portp             576 src/dps8/udplib.c     portval = strtoul(portp, &endc, 10);
portp             580 src/dps8/udplib.c         struct servent *se = getservbyname(portp, "tcp");
portp             587 src/dps8/udplib.c     if (portp != NULL) {
portp             588 src/dps8/udplib.c         if (strlen(portp) >= port_len)
portp             591 src/dps8/udplib.c             strcpy (port, portp);
portp             491 src/simh/sim_sock.c char *portp;
portp             516 src/simh/sim_sock.c portp = NULL;
portp             518 src/simh/sim_sock.c if ((portp = strrchr (gbuf, ':')) &&                    /* x:y? split */
portp             519 src/simh/sim_sock.c     (NULL == strchr (portp, ']'))) {
portp             520 src/simh/sim_sock.c     *portp++ = 0;
portp             521 src/simh/sim_sock.c     if (*portp == '\0')
portp             522 src/simh/sim_sock.c         portp = default_pbuf;
portp             525 src/simh/sim_sock.c     portp = gbuf;                                       /* Input is the port specifier */
portp             528 src/simh/sim_sock.c if (portp != NULL) { //-V547
portp             529 src/simh/sim_sock.c     portval = strtoul(portp, &endc, 10);
portp             533 src/simh/sim_sock.c         struct servent *se = getservbyname(portp, "tcp");
portp             540 src/simh/sim_sock.c     if (portp != NULL) { //-V547
portp             541 src/simh/sim_sock.c         if (strlen(portp) >= port_len)
portp             544 src/simh/sim_sock.c             strcpy (port, portp);