ctptr             284 src/simh/sim_console.c CTAB *ctptr;
ctptr             294 src/simh/sim_console.c     if ((ctptr = find_ctab (set_con_tab, gbuf))) {      /* match? */
ctptr             295 src/simh/sim_console.c         r = ctptr->action (ctptr->arg, cvptr);          /* do the rest */
ctptr             373 src/simh/sim_console.c CTAB *ctptr;
ctptr             383 src/simh/sim_console.c     if ((ctptr = find_ctab (set_rem_con_tab, gbuf))) {  /* match? */
ctptr             384 src/simh/sim_console.c         r = ctptr->action (ctptr->arg, cvptr);          /* do the rest */
ctptr            1478 src/simh/sim_console.c CTAB *ctptr;
ctptr            1488 src/simh/sim_console.c     if ((ctptr = find_ctab (set_con_telnet_tab, gbuf))) { /* match? */
ctptr            1489 src/simh/sim_console.c         r = ctptr->action (ctptr->arg, cvptr);            /* do the rest */