count            4643 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     Int    count;                  // work
count            4745 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       for (count=lhs->digits, cup=lhs->lsu, lip=zlhi; count>0; lip++)
count            4746 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         for (p=0, *lip=0; p<FASTDIGS && count>0;
count            4747 src/decNumber/decNumber.c              p+=DECDPUN, cup++, count-=DECDPUN)
count            4750 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       for (count=rhs->digits, cup=rhs->lsu, rip=zrhi; count>0; rip++)
count            4751 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         for (p=0, *rip=0; p<FASTDIGS && count>0;
count            4752 src/decNumber/decNumber.c              p+=DECDPUN, cup++, count-=DECDPUN)
count            6455 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   Int   cut, count;                // work
count            6474 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   count=units*DECDPUN-shift;       // the maximum new length
count            6482 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     count-=(DECDPUN-cut);
count            6483 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (count<=0) break;
count            6494 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     count-=cut;
count            6495 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (count<=0) break;
count            6607 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   Int   count;                // ..
count            6616 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       count=len;              // avoids D2U
count            6618 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       for (target=dn->lsu; count>0; target++, up++, count-=DECDPUN)
count            6636 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       count=len;              // avoids D2U
count            6637 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       for (up=lsu; count>0; up++, count-=DECDPUN) if (*up!=0) { // found non-0
count            6654 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   count=0;
count            6656 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     count+=DECDPUN;
count            6657 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (count>=discard) break; // full ones all checked
count            6662 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   cut=discard-(count-DECDPUN)-1;
count            6678 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       count=set->digits;      // now digits to end up with
count            6679 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       dn->digits=count;       // set the new length
count            6682 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       for (target=dn->lsu; count>0; target++, up++, count-=DECDPUN)
count            6723 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       count=set->digits;           // now digits to end up with
count            6724 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       dn->digits=count;            // set the new length
count            6728 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         count-=(DECDPUN-cut);
count            6729 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         if (count<=0) break;
count            6740 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         count-=cut;
count            6741 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         if (count<=0) break;
count            6867 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     uInt count=dn->digits;                   // digits to be checked
count            6869 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       if (count<=DECDPUN) {
count            6871 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         if (*up!=powers[count]-1) break;     // not still 9s
count            6873 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         *up=(Unit)powers[count-1];           // here 999 -> 100 etc.
count            6884 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       count-=DECDPUN;
count            6891 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     uInt count=dn->digits;                   // digits to be checked
count            6893 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       if (count<=DECDPUN) {
count            6895 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         if (*up!=powers[count-1]) break;     // not 100..
count            6898 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         *up=(Unit)powers[count]-1;           // here 100 in msu -> 999
count            6909 src/decNumber/decNumber.c           if (count==1 && dn->digits==1) *sup=0;  // here 9 -> 0[.9]
count            6911 src/decNumber/decNumber.c             *sup=(Unit)powers[count-1]-1;    // here 999.. in msu -> 99..
count            6922 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       count-=DECDPUN;
count            7104 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   Int count=set->digits;           // nines to add
count            7105 src/decNumber/decNumber.c   dn->digits=count;
count            7108 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (count>DECDPUN) *up=DECDPUNMAX;  // unit full o'nines
count            7110 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       *up=(Unit)(powers[count]-1);
count            7113 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     count-=DECDPUN;                // filled those digits
count            7268 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     Int count=-dn->exponent;            // digits to discard
count            7270 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     for (; count>=DECDPUN; up++) {
count            7272 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       count-=DECDPUN;
count            7274 src/decNumber/decNumber.c     if (count==0) got=0;                // [a multiple of DECDPUN]
count            7279 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         theInt=QUOT10(*up, count);
count            7280 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         rem=*up-theInt*powers[count];
count            7282 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         rem=*up%powers[count];          // slice off discards
count            7283 src/decNumber/decNumber.c         theInt=*up/powers[count];
count            7287 src/decNumber/decNumber.c       got=DECDPUN-count;                // number of digits so far
count             718 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     uint count;
count             719 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     iom_indirect_data_service (iomUnitIdx, chan, & seekData, &count, false);
count             722 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     if (count != 1)
count             723 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c       sim_warn ("%s: count %d not 1\n", __func__, count);
count             769 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     uint count;
count             770 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     iom_indirect_data_service (iomUnitIdx, chan, & seekData, &count, false);
count             773 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     if (count != 1)
count             774 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c       sim_warn ("%s: count %d not 1\n", __func__, count);
count             812 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     uint count;
count             813 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     iom_indirect_data_service (iomUnitIdx, chan, & seekData, &count, false);
count             816 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c     if (count   != 1)
count             817 src/dps8/dps8_disk.c       sim_warn ("%s: count %d not 1\n", __func__, count);
count            1038 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     long long count;
count            1046 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c     if ((count = theMatrix[opcode][opcodeX][a][tag]))
count            1067 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c                         count, opcode, opcodeX, a, tag);
count            1069 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c             sim_printf ("%20"PRId64": %s\n", count, result);
count            1070 src/dps8/dps8_ins.c         total += count;
count            1124 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c     uint count;
count            1125 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c     iom_indirect_data_service (iomUnitIdx, chan, & control, &count, false);
count            1126 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c     if (count != 1)
count            1127 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c       sim_warn ("%s: count %d not 1\n", __func__, count);
count            1223 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c     uint count;
count            1224 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c     iom_indirect_data_service (iomUnitIdx, chan, & control, &count, false);
count            1225 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c     if (count != 1)
count            1226 src/dps8/dps8_mt.c       sim_warn ("%s: count %d not 1\n", __func__, count);
count             712 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     uint count = (uint) buffer[1];
count             723 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     sk_data.unit_data[unit_idx][dev_code].read_buffer_sz = count;
count             774 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     uint count = (uint) count36;
count             776 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     uint count_words = (count + 3) / 4;
count             783 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     uint8_t netdata [count];
count             784 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     for (uint n = 0; n < count; n ++)
count             792 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     rc = write (socket_fd, netdata, count);
count            1190 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     uint count           = sk_data.unit_data[unit_idx][dev_code].read_buffer_sz;
count            1191 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     uint buffer_size_wds = (count + 3) / 4;
count            1195 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     uint8_t netdata [count];
count            1196 src/dps8/dps8_socket_dev.c     ssize_t nread = read (sk_data.unit_data[unit_idx][dev_code].read_fd, & netdata, count);
count             481 src/dps8/libtelnet.c         size_t eindex, count;
count             529 src/dps8/libtelnet.c         count = 0;
count             532 src/dps8/libtelnet.c                         ++count;
count             540 src/dps8/libtelnet.c         if ((values = (struct telnet_environ_t *)calloc(count,
count             550 src/dps8/libtelnet.c         for (eindex = 0; eindex != count; ++eindex) {
count             606 src/dps8/libtelnet.c         ev.environ.size   = count;
count             120 src/dps8/udplib.c   uint16_t  count;                // number of H316 words to follow
count             323 src/dps8/udplib.c int udp_send (int link, uint16_t * pdata, uint16_t count, uint16_t flags)
count             342 src/dps8/udplib.c     if ((pdata == NULL) || (count == 0) || (count > MAXDATA))
count             350 src/dps8/udplib.c     pkt . count    = htons (count);
count             352 src/dps8/udplib.c     for (i = 0; i < count; i ++)
count             354 src/dps8/udplib.c     pktlen = UDP_HEADER_LEN + count * sizeof (uint16_t);
count             368 src/dps8/udplib.c printf ("link %d - packet sent (sequence=%u, length=%u)\n", link, ntohl (pkt . sequence), ntohs (pkt . count));
count             453 src/dps8/udplib.c         implen = ntohs (pkt . count);
count              45 src/dps8/udplib.h int udp_send    (int32_t link, uint16_t * pdata, uint16_t count, uint16_t flags);
count             130 src/dps8/utfile.c   for (int count = 0; count < MAX_MKSTEMPS_TRIES; count++)
count             340 src/dps8/uthash.h             if ((head)->hh.tbl->buckets[_bkt_i].count !=  _bkt_count) {          \
count             342 src/dps8/uthash.h                 (head)->hh.tbl->buckets[_bkt_i].count, _bkt_count);              \
count             688 src/dps8/uthash.h  head.count++;                                                                   \
count             693 src/dps8/uthash.h  if (head.count >= ((head.expand_mult+1) * HASH_BKT_CAPACITY_THRESH)             \
count             705 src/dps8/uthash.h     (head).count--;                                                              \
count             768 src/dps8/uthash.h            if (++(_he_newbkt->count) > tbl->ideal_chain_maxlen) {                \
count             770 src/dps8/uthash.h              _he_newbkt->expand_mult = _he_newbkt->count /                       \
count             966 src/dps8/uthash.h    unsigned count;
count            1563 src/simh/linehistory.c   int count;
count            1576 src/simh/linehistory.c   count = linenoiseEdit(STDIN_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO, buf, buflen, prompt);
count            1579 src/simh/linehistory.c   return ( count );
count            1655 src/simh/linehistory.c   int count;
count            1688 src/simh/linehistory.c     count = linenoiseRaw(buf, LINENOISE_MAX_LINE, prompt);
count            1689 src/simh/linehistory.c     if (count == -1)
count            6603 src/simh/scp.c int32 i, count, rdx;
count            6632 src/simh/scp.c count = (1 - reason + (dptr->aincr - 1)) / dptr->aincr;
count            6634 src/simh/scp.c for (i = 0, j = addr; i < count; i++, j = j + dptr->aincr) {
count            7514 src/simh/scp.c sim_stabr.count = 1;
count            7543 src/simh/scp.c sim_staba.count = sim_emax;
count            7693 src/simh/scp.c if (schptr->count != 1) {
count            7707 src/simh/scp.c schptr->count = 1;
count            7768 src/simh/scp.c if (schptr->count != (uint32)(1 - reason)) {
count            7769 src/simh/scp.c     schptr->count = 1 - reason;
count            7812 src/simh/scp.c val = (t_value *)malloc (schptr->count * sizeof (*values));
count            7825 src/simh/scp.c for (i=0; i<(int32)schptr->count; i++) {
count            7846 src/simh/scp.c     i=schptr->count-1;
count            7852 src/simh/scp.c for (; (i>=0) && (i<(int32)schptr->count) && ret; i += updown) {
count             581 src/simh/sim_defs.h     uint32              count;                          /* value count in mask and comp arrays */
count             106 src/simh/sim_fio.c void sim_buf_swap_data (void *bptr, size_t size, size_t count)
count             112 src/simh/sim_fio.c if (sim_end || (count == 0) || (size == sizeof (char)))
count             115 src/simh/sim_fio.c      j < count; j++) {
count             125 src/simh/sim_fio.c size_t sim_fread (void *bptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *fptr)
count             129 src/simh/sim_fio.c if ((size == 0) || (count == 0))                        /* check arguments */
count             131 src/simh/sim_fio.c c = fread (bptr, size, count, fptr);                    /* read buffer */
count             134 src/simh/sim_fio.c sim_buf_swap_data (bptr, size, count);
count             138 src/simh/sim_fio.c void sim_buf_copy_swapped (void *dbuf, const void *sbuf, size_t size, size_t count)
count             146 src/simh/sim_fio.c     memcpy (dptr, sptr, size * count);
count             149 src/simh/sim_fio.c for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {                           /* loop on items */
count             156 src/simh/sim_fio.c size_t sim_fwrite (const void *bptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *fptr)
count             163 src/simh/sim_fio.c if ((size == 0) || (count == 0))                        /* check arguments */
count             166 src/simh/sim_fio.c     return fwrite (bptr, size, count, fptr);            /* done */
count             171 src/simh/sim_fio.c nbuf = count / nelem;                                   /* number buffers */
count             172 src/simh/sim_fio.c lcnt = count % nelem;                                   /* count in last buf */
count             180 src/simh/sim_fio.c     sptr = sptr + size * count;
count              73 src/simh/sim_fio.h size_t sim_fread (void *bptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *fptr);
count              74 src/simh/sim_fio.h size_t sim_fwrite (const void *bptr, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *fptr);
count              80 src/simh/sim_fio.h void sim_buf_swap_data (void *bptr, size_t size, size_t count);
count              81 src/simh/sim_fio.h void sim_buf_copy_swapped (void *dptr, const void *bptr, size_t size, size_t count);
count            1372 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_sprecsf (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped)
count            1380 src/simh/sim_tape.c sim_debug (ctx->dbit, ctx->dptr, "sim_tape_sprecsf(unit=%d, count=%d)\n", (int)(uptr-ctx->dptr->units), count);
count            1383 src/simh/sim_tape.c while (*skipped < count) {                              /* loopo */
count            1392 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_sprecsf_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback)
count            1395 src/simh/sim_tape.c     r = sim_tape_sprecsf (uptr, count, skipped);
count            1464 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_sprecsr (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped)
count            1472 src/simh/sim_tape.c sim_debug (ctx->dbit, ctx->dptr, "sim_tape_sprecsr(unit=%d, count=%d)\n", (int)(uptr-ctx->dptr->units), count);
count            1475 src/simh/sim_tape.c while (*skipped < count) {                              /* loopo */
count            1484 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_sprecsr_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback)
count            1487 src/simh/sim_tape.c     r = sim_tape_sprecsr (uptr, count, skipped);
count            1512 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_spfilebyrecf (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, uint32 *recsskipped, t_bool check_leot)
count            1521 src/simh/sim_tape.c sim_debug (ctx->dbit, ctx->dptr, "sim_tape_spfilebyrecf(unit=%d, count=%d, check_leot=%d)\n", (int)(uptr-ctx->dptr->units), count, check_leot);
count            1533 src/simh/sim_tape.c while (*skipped < count) {                              /* loopo */
count            1556 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_spfilebyrecf_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, uint32 *recsskipped, t_bool check_leot, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback)
count            1559 src/simh/sim_tape.c     r = sim_tape_spfilebyrecf (uptr, count, skipped, recsskipped, check_leot);
count            1582 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_spfilef (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped)
count            1589 src/simh/sim_tape.c sim_debug (ctx->dbit, ctx->dptr, "sim_tape_spfilef(unit=%d, count=%d)\n", (int)(uptr-ctx->dptr->units), count);
count            1591 src/simh/sim_tape.c return sim_tape_spfilebyrecf (uptr, count, skipped, &totalrecsskipped, FALSE);
count            1594 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_spfilef_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback)
count            1597 src/simh/sim_tape.c     r = sim_tape_spfilef (uptr, count, skipped);
count            1622 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_spfilebyrecr (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, uint32 *recsskipped)
count            1632 src/simh/sim_tape.c sim_debug (ctx->dbit, ctx->dptr, "sim_tape_spfilebyrecr(unit=%d, count=%d)\n", (int)(uptr-ctx->dptr->units), count);
count            1634 src/simh/sim_tape.c while (*skipped < count) {                              /* loopo */
count            1649 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_spfilebyrecr_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, uint32 *recsskipped, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback)
count            1652 src/simh/sim_tape.c     r = sim_tape_spfilebyrecr (uptr, count, skipped, recsskipped);
count            1676 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_spfiler (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped)
count            1683 src/simh/sim_tape.c sim_debug (ctx->dbit, ctx->dptr, "sim_tape_spfiler(unit=%d, count=%d)\n", (int)(uptr-ctx->dptr->units), count);
count            1685 src/simh/sim_tape.c return sim_tape_spfilebyrecr (uptr, count, skipped, &totalrecsskipped);
count            1688 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_stat sim_tape_spfiler_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback)
count            1691 src/simh/sim_tape.c     r = sim_tape_spfiler (uptr, count, skipped);
count             176 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_sprecsf (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped);
count             177 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_sprecsf_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback);
count             178 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_spfilef (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped);
count             179 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_spfilef_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback);
count             180 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_spfilebyrecf (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, uint32 *recsskipped, t_bool check_leot);
count             181 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_spfilebyrecf_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, uint32 *recsskipped, t_bool check_leot, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback);
count             184 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_sprecsr (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped);
count             185 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_sprecsr_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback);
count             186 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_spfiler (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped);
count             187 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_spfiler_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback);
count             188 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_spfilebyrecr (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, uint32 *recsskipped);
count             189 src/simh/sim_tape.h t_stat sim_tape_spfilebyrecr_a (UNIT *uptr, uint32 count, uint32 *skipped, uint32 *recsskipped, TAPE_PCALLBACK callback);