bufcap            404 src/simh/sim_tape.c uint32 bufcntr, bufcap;                                 /* buffer counter and capacity */
bufcap            431 src/simh/sim_tape.c         bufcap = 0;                                     /*   but of just one metadata marker */
bufcap            434 src/simh/sim_tape.c             if (bufcntr == bufcap) {                    /* if the buffer is empty then refill it */
bufcap            443 src/simh/sim_tape.c                 else if (bufcap == 0)                   /* otherwise if this is the initial read */
bufcap            444 src/simh/sim_tape.c                     bufcap = 1;                         /*   then start with just one marker */
bufcap            447 src/simh/sim_tape.c                     bufcap = sizeof (buffer)            /*   to the full size of the buffer */
bufcap            450 src/simh/sim_tape.c                 bufcap = sim_fread (buffer,             /* fill the buffer */
bufcap            452 src/simh/sim_tape.c                                     bufcap,
bufcap            463 src/simh/sim_tape.c                 else if (bufcap == 0                    /* otherwise if positioned at the physical EOF */
bufcap            506 src/simh/sim_tape.c                 bufcntr = bufcap;                               /* mark the buffer as invalid to force a read */
bufcap            513 src/simh/sim_tape.c                 if (bufcntr < bufcap)                               /* if the position is within the buffer */
bufcap            618 src/simh/sim_tape.c uint32 bufcntr, bufcap;                                 /* buffer counter and capacity */
bufcap            648 src/simh/sim_tape.c         bufcap = 1;                                     /*   but of just one metadata marker */
bufcap            658 src/simh/sim_tape.c                     bufcap = (uint32) uptr->pos         /*   then reduce the capacity accordingly */
bufcap            662 src/simh/sim_tape.c                            uptr->pos - bufcap * sizeof (t_mtrlnt),  /*   corresponding to the start */
bufcap            666 src/simh/sim_tape.c                                      bufcap, uptr->fileref);        /*   with tape metadata */
bufcap            675 src/simh/sim_tape.c                     bufcap = sizeof (buffer)            /*   to the full size of the buffer */