FALSE              47 src/dps8/shm.c #ifndef FALSE
FALSE             290 src/dps8/shm.c       if (fcntl(fd, F_GETLK, &lock) == FALSE && lock.l_pid > 0)
FALSE             361 src/dps8/threadz.c   tpolicy.preemptible = FALSE;
FALSE             391 src/dps8/udplib.c 
FALSE             195 src/simh/scp.c t_bool sim_asynch_enabled = FALSE;
FALSE             324 src/simh/scp.c SCHTAB *sim_schrptr              = FALSE;
FALSE             325 src/simh/scp.c SCHTAB *sim_schaptr              = FALSE;
FALSE             332 src/simh/scp.c t_bool sim_processing_event      = FALSE;
FALSE            1769 src/simh/scp.c         lookswitch = FALSE;                         /* no more switches */
FALSE            2107 src/simh/scp.c t_bool found = FALSE;
FALSE            2128 src/simh/scp.c             all_unique = FALSE;
FALSE            2205 src/simh/scp.c t_bool found = FALSE;
FALSE            2244 src/simh/scp.c         t_bool desc_available = FALSE;
FALSE            2297 src/simh/scp.c t_bool found = FALSE;
FALSE            2396 src/simh/scp.c             fprint_set_help_ex (st, dptr, FALSE);
FALSE            2400 src/simh/scp.c             fprint_show_help_ex (st, dptr, FALSE);
FALSE            2404 src/simh/scp.c             fprint_attach_help_ex (st, dptr, FALSE);
FALSE            2408 src/simh/scp.c             fprint_brk_help_ex (st, dptr, FALSE);
FALSE            2417 src/simh/scp.c         fprint_reg_help_ex (st, dptr, FALSE);
FALSE            2790 src/simh/scp.c             staying = FALSE;
FALSE            3291 src/simh/scp.c t_bool Not = FALSE;
FALSE            3315 src/simh/scp.c             { "==",   0,  0, FALSE },
FALSE            3316 src/simh/scp.c             { "EQU",  0,  0, FALSE },
FALSE            3319 src/simh/scp.c             { "<",   -1, -1, FALSE },
FALSE            3320 src/simh/scp.c             { "LSS", -1, -1, FALSE },
FALSE            3321 src/simh/scp.c             { "<=",   0, -1, FALSE },
FALSE            3322 src/simh/scp.c             { "LEQ",  0, -1, FALSE },
FALSE            3323 src/simh/scp.c             { ">",    1,  1, FALSE },
FALSE            3324 src/simh/scp.c             { "GTR",  1,  1, FALSE },
FALSE            3325 src/simh/scp.c             { ">=",   0,  1, FALSE },
FALSE            3326 src/simh/scp.c             { "GEQ",  0,  1, FALSE },
FALSE            5301 src/simh/scp.c static t_bool run_cmd_did_reset = FALSE;
FALSE            5309 src/simh/scp.c run_cmd_did_reset = FALSE;
FALSE            5542 src/simh/scp.c     return (detach_all (0, FALSE));
FALSE            5730 src/simh/scp.c     static t_bool not_implemented_message = FALSE;
FALSE            6805 src/simh/scp.c t_bool quoting = FALSE;
FALSE            6806 src/simh/scp.c t_bool escaping = FALSE;
FALSE            6818 src/simh/scp.c                         quoting = FALSE;
FALSE            6821 src/simh/scp.c                 escaping = FALSE;
FALSE            6845 src/simh/scp.c return (CONST char *)get_glyph_gen (iptr, optr, mchar, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
FALSE            6850 src/simh/scp.c return (CONST char *)get_glyph_gen (iptr, optr, mchar, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
FALSE            6855 src/simh/scp.c return (CONST char *)get_glyph_gen (iptr, optr, mchar, FALSE, TRUE, '\\');
FALSE            6865 src/simh/scp.c return (CONST char *)get_glyph_gen (iptr, optr, 0, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
FALSE            7146 src/simh/scp.c t_bool double_quote_found = FALSE;
FALSE            7147 src/simh/scp.c t_bool single_quote_found = FALSE;
FALSE            7372 src/simh/scp.c return (dptr->flags & DEV_DIS? TRUE: FALSE);
FALSE            8164 src/simh/scp.c sim_processing_event = FALSE;
FALSE            8317 src/simh/scp.c   return FALSE;
FALSE            8656 src/simh/scp.c BRKTAB *bp = sim_brk_fnd_ex (loc, sw & (~SWMASK ('C')), FALSE, 0);
FALSE            8955 src/simh/scp.c t_bool after_set = FALSE;
FALSE            9450 src/simh/scp.c return FALSE;
FALSE            10048 src/simh/scp.c t_bool excluded = FALSE;
FALSE            10211 src/simh/scp.c             excluded = FALSE;
FALSE            10496 src/simh/scp.c t_bool flat_help = FALSE;
FALSE            10678 src/simh/scp.c         pstring = helpPrompt (topic, prompt[topic->kids != 0], FALSE);
FALSE             361 src/simh/sim_console.c static t_bool sim_log_temp                 = FALSE; /* temporary log file active */
FALSE             363 src/simh/sim_console.c static t_bool sim_rem_master_mode          = FALSE; /* Master Mode Enabled Flag */
FALSE             364 src/simh/sim_console.c static t_bool sim_rem_master_was_enabled   = FALSE; /* Master was Enabled */
FALSE             365 src/simh/sim_console.c static t_bool sim_rem_master_was_connected = FALSE; /* Master Mode has been connected */
FALSE             463 src/simh/sim_console.c         sim_rem_single_mode[c] = FALSE;                 /*  start in multi-command mode */
FALSE             643 src/simh/sim_console.c t_bool close_session = FALSE;
FALSE             676 src/simh/sim_console.c             was_active_command = FALSE;
FALSE             700 src/simh/sim_console.c                 sim_rem_single_mode[i] = FALSE;         /* enter multi command mode */
FALSE             746 src/simh/sim_console.c     got_command = FALSE;
FALSE             862 src/simh/sim_console.c         got_command = FALSE;
FALSE             876 src/simh/sim_console.c                 sim_rem_single_mode[i] = FALSE;
FALSE             969 src/simh/sim_console.c                 sim_log_temp = FALSE;
FALSE            1012 src/simh/sim_console.c         sim_rem_single_mode[i] = FALSE;
FALSE            1361 src/simh/sim_console.c r = sim_open_logfile (gbuf, FALSE, &sim_deb, &sim_deb_ref);
FALSE            1958 src/simh/sim_console.c     return FALSE;
FALSE             195 src/simh/sim_disk.c     return FALSE;
FALSE             202 src/simh/sim_disk.c         return FALSE;
FALSE             208 src/simh/sim_disk.c t_bool r = FALSE;
FALSE             217 src/simh/sim_disk.c return (uptr->flags & DKUF_WRP)? TRUE: FALSE;
FALSE             376 src/simh/sim_disk.c         t_bool sect_error = FALSE;
FALSE             745 src/simh/sim_disk.c t_bool created = FALSE, copied = FALSE;
FALSE             746 src/simh/sim_disk.c t_bool auto_format = FALSE;
FALSE             933 src/simh/sim_disk.c                 t_bool sect_error = FALSE;
FALSE             150 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_bool auto_format = FALSE;
FALSE             234 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_bool auto_format = FALSE;
FALSE            1516 src/simh/sim_tape.c t_bool last_tapemark = FALSE;
FALSE            1591 src/simh/sim_tape.c return sim_tape_spfilebyrecf (uptr, count, skipped, &totalrecsskipped, FALSE);
FALSE            1803 src/simh/sim_tape.c return (uptr->pos <= fmts[f].bot)? TRUE: FALSE;
FALSE            1810 src/simh/sim_tape.c return (uptr->capac && (uptr->pos >= uptr->capac))? TRUE: FALSE;
FALSE            1817 src/simh/sim_tape.c return ((uptr->flags & MTUF_WRP) || (MT_GET_FMT (uptr) == MTUF_F_TPC))? TRUE: FALSE;
FALSE              81 src/simh/sim_timer.c static t_bool sim_catchup_ticks                          = FALSE;
FALSE             401 src/simh/sim_timer.c rtc_clock_catchup_pending[tmr]    = FALSE;
FALSE             402 src/simh/sim_timer.c rtc_clock_catchup_eligible[tmr]   = FALSE;
FALSE             433 src/simh/sim_timer.c     rtc_clock_catchup_pending[tmr] = FALSE;
FALSE             586 src/simh/sim_timer.c     sim_catchup_ticks = FALSE;
FALSE             404 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c     loop_write_ex (lp, (char *)&length, sizeof(length), FALSE);
FALSE             850 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c             if ((lp->conn == FALSE) &&                  /* is the line available? */
FALSE             853 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                 (lp->ser_connect_pending == FALSE) &&
FALSE             863 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                 if ((lp->conn == FALSE) &&              /* is the line available? */
FALSE             866 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                     (lp->ser_connect_pending == FALSE) &&
FALSE             890 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                                 (tlp->modembits & TMXR_MDM_RNG) && (tlp->conn == FALSE))
FALSE             943 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c         lp->ser_connect_pending = FALSE;
FALSE             968 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                     switch (sim_check_conn(lp->connecting, FALSE))
FALSE            1033 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                         if (lp->conn == FALSE) {                    /* is the line available? */
FALSE            1109 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c         lp->conn = FALSE;
FALSE            1139 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c return tmxr_reset_ln_ex (lp, FALSE);
FALSE            1185 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c         (lp->conn == FALSE)                       &&    /* Not connected */
FALSE            1224 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                     (tlp->modembits & TMXR_MDM_RNG) && (tlp->conn == FALSE))
FALSE            1238 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c     sim_debug_bits (TMXR_DBG_MDM, dptr, tmxr_modem_bits, before_modem_bits, lp->modembits, FALSE);
FALSE            1295 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c if (lp->loopback == (enable_loopback != FALSE))
FALSE            1297 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c lp->loopback = (enable_loopback != FALSE);
FALSE            1327 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c return (lp->loopback != FALSE);
FALSE            1346 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c if (lp->halfduplex == (enable_halfduplex != FALSE))
FALSE            1348 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c lp->halfduplex = (enable_halfduplex != FALSE);
FALSE            1354 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c return (lp->halfduplex != FALSE);
FALSE            1622 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                             lp->notelnet = FALSE;
FALSE            1701 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                             lp->notelnet = FALSE;
FALSE            1758 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c if ((lp->conn == FALSE) &&                              /* no conn & not buffered telnet? */
FALSE            1976 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c tmxr_set_line_loopback (lp, FALSE);
FALSE            2121 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c     nolog = notelnet = listennotelnet = loopback = FALSE;
FALSE            2185 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                 modem_control = FALSE;
FALSE            2209 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                 datagram = FALSE;
FALSE            2235 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                         listennotelnet = FALSE;
FALSE            2257 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                     listennotelnet = FALSE;
FALSE            2281 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                             notelnet = FALSE;
FALSE            2498 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                     _mux_detach_line (lp, FALSE, TRUE);
FALSE            2637 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c             _mux_detach_line (lp, TRUE, FALSE);
FALSE            2683 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                     _mux_detach_line (lp, FALSE, TRUE);
FALSE            2811 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c t_bool found = FALSE;
FALSE            3058 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c         lp->conn = FALSE;
FALSE            3137 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c t_bool single_line = FALSE;               /* default to Multi-Line help */
FALSE            3742 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c             if (set [line] == FALSE) {                  /* not already specified? */
FALSE            3752 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c             if (set [line] == FALSE) {                  /* specified? */
FALSE            3807 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c                 first = FALSE;
FALSE            3826 src/simh/sim_tmxr.c if (first == FALSE)                                     /* sanity check for lines == 0 */
FALSE             284 src/simh/sim_tmxr.h # define tmxr_attach(mp, uptr, cptr) tmxr_attach_ex(mp, uptr, cptr, FALSE)